Feb 14th General Meeting
Attendees: Caroline, Faith, Will, Serena, Anthony, Scott, Sarah, Dan
- Serena to send out new calendar invite for General and Working meetings.
Winter Retreat [will put notes here]
- Scott to put together some notes on Winter Retreat this year.
- The biggest hurdle was the house rental, which hadn’t been an issue previously. APO was able to bridge some of the funding gap, but won’t be able to do it in the future, most likely.
- It was under-capacity this year.
- Anthony thinks this is not able to continue in the way it has before.
- Maybe future retreat should be day trip another time.
Czar Replacements
- Anthony sent out an email to find new czars for shellfish, kayak, int’l, GSC, merch
Open House
- Has met already, weekly meetings occurring on Fridays leading up to Open House.
- Department reps in the past attached a note in their welcome bags at MIT to their students (in about a month). SERENA SUNG-CLARKE WILLIAM HARRIS SCOTT WIEMAN ANTHONY MEZA DANIEL LOWENSTEIN
- Department reps also matched buddies for incoming students within their departments.
- For chemistry, can we get a different chemistry student/open house committee member write those notes?
- Will probably have list of admitted students in 2 weeks, and will have 2 weeks after that to write notes and match buddies.
- FAITH BROOKS who will host a Zoom Open House for them. Sarah to send list of admitted Navy students to Faith.
- Monday, March 11 @ 11:15 at MIT Green Building, 1-2 reps give a quick presentation about JP Reps. Typically, there’s also a talk about housing. Will and Faith available to give housing talk, Anthony and Scott available to give general Reps talk. Slides already made.
- Sticker contest: probably going to give “honorable mention” to design 1 (the doodle), and print Ciara’s stickers.
Steinbach Scholars
- Serena and Anthony both have scholars who are down, just have to schedule.
- Both PO and Biology probably between mid-July to mid-August.
Annual Meeting
- Rob Evans, Ann Tarrant, Tricia Gebbie and Jenny, Christine, and Sam Silva are all good people to invite to that.
Department/Generals Things
- PO pretty structured. They’re happening between mid-May and mid-June. Biology pretty similar.
- Generals Information Sessions held for PO and Biology.
- Serena to check in with biology ed coordinator about providing information to first years about timeline.
- Engineering generals is very MIT department specific, and so not much on the reps side.
- G&G has little structure in the timeline. Reps typically are not involved in G&G generals, and people usually consult similar field.
- Chemistry reps typically host mock generals.
Other Reps Things
- Danny will be taking a leave of absence in a couple weeks, and will be out for several months.
- Open House committee to take over chemistry notes and buddy matching.
- To find someone in Chemistry to maybe fill in on department rep responsibilities.
- If/when get purchase card, should leave it with someone else WHOI based.
- Should find out who owns the WHOI JP Reps Google account.
Funding Requests (<5 min)
- Spring Trivia – Ciara asked for $750 for 3 events. Granted.
- Piano tuning – $275 requested. Granted.
- Winter retreat – $970 requested. Granted.
- Question about using reps money for a ski weekend (just for housing and/or food). Could be fine, just needs to be lotteried.
- Faith: suggested tax night, WHOI scavenger hunt.