Attending: Tricia, Keqi, Caroline, Jonas, Will, Scott, Faith, Serena, Anthony
- Keqi Introduction
- LGBTQ Resources Library
- What is reimbursable? Annaliese requested $800.
- $900 of the items were considered reimbursable.
- Some short-term checkout items had sanitary concerns
- Some of the things that can’t be purchased: e.g. demo sets (things that might require a medical professional to instruct).
- Tricia will provide a color coded spreadsheet of what is allowed or not, and we/her will confer with Annaliese.
- Consider a recurring stipend (~$300?) for the library instead of stocking all sizes of things, e.g., binders.
- Set aside $300 with maximum per individual limit and then just refill to $300 at every year. (Department funds should work similarly – just topped up).
- Some concerns with purchasing one-time use? We can consider subsidizing up to a certain amount (e.g., ,$50?)
- What is reimbursable? Annaliese requested $800.
- June Orientation
- 1-day Zoom orientation in September last year.
- Have a June 17th “meet-and-greet” with students + faculty, set up sort of like a stripped down/simpler Open House.
- Schedule a lunch, tour (of both Quissett/village), ice cream social
- Quissett only could be easier since the lunch and ice cream are both there.
- Keqi seeking out someone who could be a tour guide.
- Schedule a lunch, tour (of both Quissett/village), ice cream social
- Kramer leaves June 18 at 2pm, returns on 24th at 10am.
- First Year Naming Ceremony
- Faith already reached out to current first years and is starting organization.
- Last year’s info: 2023 Naming Ceremony
- Last Day of School Funding Request
- Approving Faith’s request for cakes to celebrate.
- Pantaleyev Award
- Alia was voted on for the award winner.
- Steinbach Scholar Updates
- All dates are in.
- Coordinate on posters for Steinbach Scholars.
- Will – engineering. Presentations booked, got a list of people they want to meet, travel is getting booked etc.
- Student talk – make it more informal, maybe just lunch – engineering talk is on science/teaching/media; PO will be more like a lunch and chat. Biology could be about how to get into a career, collaborating with other disciplines, etc.
- Jelly Talks
- Usually start mid-end June, but could start within a month. Jonas and Anthony are organizing that.
- Ed Council
- Caroline filling in for Dan now.