Agenda Items:
- Check that all positions are filled
- Courier
- Kayaks
- Winter Open House
- Social hour ideas
Meeting notes:
Filling outstanding positions
- Courier role hasn’t been used much since pandemic start — occasional receipts, not much else
- Deal with packages on an individual basis until intercampus travel picks up
- Kayak role – Mallory Ringham okay keeping it for now, but maybe reach out to JPers that use it a lot (ex – Kayla Gardner)
- MIT housing position – Kevin take care of it?
- Minimal role, lease not renewed for SIdPac until at least July, yearly lease
- Social Hour Rep
- Noah and Cynthia willing to run/coordinate
- Welcome BBQ rep
- Hold off for now, but when gets closer, start planning a virtual BBQ/social potentially
- Photo Board – Stewart
- GSC rep – need a certification (maybe only for treasurer??). Henri is currently the rep for this. Ask him what that involves.
- Must attend some meetings, but all currently virtual. Could have 2 reps
- Logan will look into being part of this
- Does Zac need training for being treasurer? Likely not critical.
- SAO training, “financial signatory” on engage, GSC training for funding (not reqd)
- Zac will check in with Adrian
Open House Activities and Video
- Editing and shooting footage – Noah in charge of coordinating footage
- Kevin Kirwin will work on the edits
- Send link to Dropbox to those who film.
- Deadline to collect all footage: end Nov., Dec 1
- Deadline for finished product: end Feb (and sooner) and uploaded to JP website
- Minimum footage = 1 per discipline; 1 MIT campus; 1 Village WHOI, 1 Quissett WHOI
- Non-technical — focus on campus atmosphere, cool stuff
- Green building — Kevin Kirwin has drone footage
- Eeshan: Ideas for MIT cam- pus footage
- Type of footage: cell phone camera likely okay, GoPro loan around?
- Contents: buildings, campus (baseball field, student center), but also fun spots for relaxing, studying, clamming, etc
- Clips should have a few seconds at start and end to facilitate cuts
- Plan informal meet+greet activities (likely Sunday evening before open house)
- Other Open House activities
- Q&A by discipline – plan ahead of time so plenty of representation
- Session on DEI during open house – reaching out to Adam and Lauren (DEI advisors) to help with this and faculty DEI advisors at MIT EAPS (David McGee?), and others
- E-gift cards for food for open houses
- Likely $20 range
- Cynthia will look into this
- How does this work for international students? Deal with this when we know where the admitted students are from.
- Trivia games
- Winners could get swag in the mail
- Send swag to admitted students – new t-shirts that were made
- Stewart will follow up with Veevee for stickers, other options
- Split up workload by students in each discipline, handwritten note
- Use the courier
- Look up stuff from WHOI Exhibit center and MIT store – Logan will do this
- towel, other ideas
Social Hour ideas and date
- Planned activity
- Trivia, play games?
- Make the games between classes, departments
- Team activity, prize
- Online trivia – look into this and facilitate over zoom
- Database of questions on reddit
- Noah, Stewart, and Cynthia will plan this
Facilitating future meetings