JP Reps Meeting Agenda
November 5th, 2021
Attendance: LF, CD, SW, LL, CW, SB, PN, DM
Also Attended By: Lauren Dykman
Minutes: MJ
- 1) Organization (20 min)
- a. Email etiquette (designate who is responding to what emails, when to hit reply all, when to take discussion to slack/next meeting)
- CD : How do we want to assign who is going to reply to the funding requests?
- CW: Maybe it makes the most sense for me to post it.
- LL: But anyone can just post it if we need it to.
- Ciara W. (treasurer) is designated to post funding requests to slack, but anyone can do it if they get to it first.
- b. Funding requests (discuss if we all need to approve funding requests, how we can streamline the approval process, clarify covid rules through cheat-sheet to make sure planners know what they should follow, add attendance reporting requirement)
- CD: What type of ground rule to make to make sure everyone gets a chance to weigh in.
- LL: We should also talk about how fast we should provide answers. I know some people ask for feedback in a quick time-frame.
- CD: I know the website says 2-weeks time, but I don’t think we need that much time. Maybe three reps need to approve whatever?
- SW: Maybe based on funding?
- 4 reps means it’s approved under $300. All reps need to weigh in if it’s more.
- 2-days minimum discussion time before approval.
- c. Scheduling/agendas (I intend to send out a new when2meet two weeks prior to first potential meeting date, send out a tentative agenda one week before meeting, add new agenda items as received)
- CD: I will send out when2meets two weeks ahead of time, and then schedule the meetings based on that.
- d. Slack (Max suggested creating a dedicated reps slack w/ more channels, czars)
- MJ: I think it would be easier to have our own slack.
- SW: I think the point of being on mit-whoi is so everyone can see what we’re talking about.
- CW: I think there is a balance between transparency and organizing ourselves.
- LF: Do you mind if I join our new slack?
- CD: I think we would be fine with having you guys. We might want you to weigh in.
- LL: Another reason to have our own slack.
- LF: Maybe we can have this and you can talk somewhere else if you need to.
- e. Google drive (how are new reps going to use this space, who has password?)
- CD: does anyone know how to get in there? Also, its messy.
- LF: I’ll look for the password.
- CD: Okay let’s try to keep as much info as we can in the google drive. Is there recordings of funding?
- CW: There are basic outlines.
- SW: Do we think organization is good enough?
- CW: I think its fine. Some of it from past reps is bad, but whatever.
- f. COVID event status (define policies)
- CD: We should make a cheat sheet for people to understand the covid policies of MIT.
- CW: Probably worth noting the date, and mentioning it might not be up to date.
- Whats our account status (brought up by LL)
- LL: Do we know how much we have? Will CW keep us updated?
- CW: Basically yes.
- PN: We have about $11,000. I will update you every month about the account status.
- a. Email etiquette (designate who is responding to what emails, when to hit reply all, when to take discussion to slack/next meeting)
- 2) Sidpac housing (5 min)
- CD: We kind of had info last time, but we’re not sure.
- PN: I keep poking, but we still don’t know. I will keep checking.
- CD: In terms of communicating this to students, will you give us text that we can update with.
- PN: That’s what I attend. I hope they say “here’s just the text that needs updating”. Hopefully we can have it soon.
- MJ: People have asked us.
- PN: If you can record how many requests we have, that would be helpful to push them along.
- DM: I will compile how many students have needed it.
- 3) Pending funding items (5 min)
- a. Movie nights – did we hear back from Kate regarding our response to her funding request?
- CW will reach out to Kate
- Snacks in JP lounge – who is following up on this?
- Shawn will
- c. Writers block recurring event
- CD: COVID tracing required. But I think we’re set.
- d. Native American Heritage Month Book Club
- CD: I think we’re set here, right. Oh, LD is here!
- Making a little paragraph in every funding approval to explain the rules of the funding. (brought up by MJ)
- MJ: Can we do this?
- CD: What should be included?
- MJ: COVID-19 guidelines, restrictions, if you need more funds, reimbursement vs card
- CW: We should probably also include the fact that we can’t use tax.
- PN: There are several rules to think about, no gambling, alcohol, flowers I believe.
- CD: maybe the move is to make a paragraph about funding, and then just add some covid notes and current policy.
- CW: I have the formal list of what we can’t use it.
- LL: Should we make email templates for this?
- RSVP / attendance lists
- MJ: I’ll make a attendance sheet that every event can use.
- CW: Maybe put a place for them to enter the date.
- MJ: i will work on this.
- a. Movie nights – did we hear back from Kate regarding our response to her funding request?
- 4) Student czars follow-up (5 min)
- Updates
- LL: I have updates from all of them except one.
- LL: Does not make sense for reps to ask whether GSC rep want to continue because by the time the new reps come in they are already going.
- LL: How do we figure out how to choose a czar when multiple people want to volunteer.
- CD: I think multiple volunteers is fine. Otherwise we can figure it out when it happens.
- LL: However some positions are one position only, for example sustainability committee or GSC. According to MIT’s rules we would need to do an election for the GSC appointment.
- MJ: Some students are just picked to be on committees. There is very little transparency in how students are picked for certain committees.
- LF: We will communicate that you are asking for more transparency about how the process happens.
- Any new czars need to be appointed?
- Updates
- 5) Website updates (5 min)
- a. Based on funding request from Jule, current guidelines are not clear – add more details/links on COVID guidelines!
- b. Updates related to Sidpac housing?
- 6) Selection of Steinbach scholars (5 min)
- a. Who’s turn is it?
- LF: It’s PO and at-large’s turn to make this happen.
- SW: What’s the protocol for organizing at-large scholar.
- LF: The three at-large reps are technically overseeing that.
- a. Who’s turn is it?
- 7) Lack of BioOce integration in EAPS (MOVED TO NEXT MEETING at request of CW)
- a. Excluded from PAOC
- 8) Dept reps funding (5 min)
- a. Saw confusion in slack about how to request $200 for dept events w/ no clear answer
- SW: You go through Atlas to submit reimbursements.
- PN: That’s how you submit the receipt, but I’m not sure how it’s tracked. Do you track it yourself?
- MJ: How is this tracked? Does it come from our budget?
- LF: we have $1000 from the APO for department specific.
- MJ: But don’t all OGE money events have to invite all students.
- PN: Yes.
- LF: Actually, you have to submit through Unanet.
- a. Saw confusion in slack about how to request $200 for dept events w/ no clear answer
- …and if we have time: ALL SUBJECTS MOVED TO NEXT MEETING
- 9) Physical photo board – are we bringing this back?
- 10) JP Reps hand-off open discussion
- a. What could be improved for the next handoff? (While it’s fresh in our minds!)
- 11) Advisor/advisee relationships discussion at open house
- a. List of interview questions for potential advisors
Action Items:
- Make the slack – Lukas
- Make COVID protocols cheat sheet – Ciara D.
- Iron out sidpac stuff – Patricia
- Count up how many students have wanted sidpac but haven’t been able to get it – David
- Follow up email to Kate about movie nights – CW
- Follow up about snacks – Shawn
- Make a funding approval template that includes policies – CD + CW
- Add responses and updates from czars into minutes – LL
- Communicate to Meg and APO that the Reps would like clarity on how students are selected for committees – LF + PN
- Figure out how to request department specific funding – LF
- Write the info about department specific stuff in the drive when we get it – SW
- Figure out where and when we are meeting next, and mention if there are absences from the reps – CD
- Make attendance record – Max
Decisions and Precedent:
For funding requests:
- Ciara W. will post funding requests to the slack in a timely manner, but anyone can post if they want.
- Approval: No approval is granted for at least two days. Events under $300 are approved once 4 reps give approval, unless any rep asks to wait for approval until all reps weigh in. Events over $300 always require all reps to weigh in.
For future meetings:
- Ciara D. will send out when2meet two weeks ahead of time, and send out an agenda before meeting, and invite the whole JP.
- Ciara D. will ask who of the reps will be unable to communicate for the next month.
Account handling
- PN will update the reps every month about remaining balance.