Agenda – September Meeting, October 1, 2021
Social Events
- Pending requests
- Grab & go food request (budget, food, keeping clean, etc)
Photoboard/Student Center
- Where are we at with the physical photo board?
- Plans to clean out the student center fridge to make sure it is nice for incoming reps
OGE Letter – Zac
- Where are we at with this?
- Soft deadline by the turnover meeting
JP Rep Elections
- All 8 positions were filled. Hooray!
- Need to have a transition meeting. Can people put together a list of what they did this year? It may help them assign roles at the transition meeting
- What materials can we put together before the meeting to make the transition as smooth as possible?
COVID Protocols
- We should put together a list of where current protocols stand so the new reps don’t need to replicate that work or have chaos surrounding incoming social events
- Current MIT guidelines
- Current WHOI guidance
Erin Fischell Resignation Letter
Peer mentoring
- What is the status update on this? Sidpac?
Logan will send out a when to meet for the last two weeks in October to schedule a transition meeting with the new reps.
- Social events
- Grab and go food – Do the reps do this? Is this something they take on in addition to buffins? This could be a covid-safe version of buffins? Expectation that this could be an intermediary to buffins. Budget is already in place for buffins, but not 100% sure. Maybe $1-200. Have packs of food? Maybe this is cleaner as will? Noah – Follow up with Kela asking if they will do this, or if the reps will take this on.
- Photoboard – Stewart
- Stewart setting up the google form – likely take a couple weeks to get full responses. Stewart will be in charge of transition between virtual photoboard and physical photoboard
- Cleaning out the Student Center
- There have been events populating the student center. Stewart center is being intermittently used. Event supplies in corner could be organized. Fridge is pretty aok. Things are going on. Logan and Noah will be in charge of touching up/cleaning it.
- OGE letter – Zac will aggregate the funds and start the letter in the next couple of weeks. Put in Google Drive for collective work.
- New Reps – No elections, but all positions were filled!!! – Helping transitions?
- To-Do: Everyone jot down the roles that we did to explain different jobs. There is a document that exists. “Rep Responsibilities document” – Check over that and document time jobs took.
- Virtual social ideas – Cynthia will start a document of socials we did.
- Virtual Steinbach Scholar – Cynthia will put together a document on tips/ideas.
- Covid protocols – Logan will put together list of rep protocols that we went by.
- Erin Fischell’s Letter – Responding
- Lea: upset by the situation. Admin failed to support her. How can Tricia and Lea help/do to help change the culture here. APO, Lea, and Tricia are safe places to talk about concerns, share experiences. Student support is an important role for Tricia/Lea.
- General comments – HR failed, Ombuds person could be good
- Facilitate a conversation with Meg/APO/Lea/Tricia/Ed Boyle/PdM – Put together a google form, and it could be anonymous, capture ideas without people having to speak out loud, but also hold a physical meeting to discuss ideas/options. Invite Ed coordinators too. Have forms open for follow-up comments for additional ideas.
- Stewart: AOPE ed coordinator was a helpful resource, but hierarchy of people that can make change/attend meetings was not very apparent.
- Logan: Problem that students seem to be the ones calling for meetings.
- Staff/faculty should have a say in who is there, because they should be invested in this more
- Should eaps dei officer also be there? Also cdeio at WHOI? Higher ups should be there!
- Peer Mentoring – Lea
- Matching of mentees/mentors – How much involvement? Matches were based on survey results. Should a lot of higher ups (Meg, ECs, etc) be involved? Don’t want mentors to be involved if not invested in it. Can bluntly ask for mentorship and give time commitment.
- Housing update? Tricia has emailed lots of people. Hesitation because of increased covid numbers on some campuses. Tricia will follow up tomorrow with another Residential person. Tricia is nudging many folks, which is great
- Send email to JP students re: SidPac to gauge interest/need and give update on SidPac.
- Can students be reimbursed if they stay the night because they need to due to a requirement or need? This is a case-by-case basis. Reach out if this is something students need.
- Schedule next meeting – Logan will send out for first two weeks of October.