October 3 2019

Thu 10/03/2019

At MIT: Victoria, Eeshan

At WHOI: Mallory, Lauren, Lea, Emmanuel, Suzi, Ian, Julia, Marissa, Ben

Let’s go through the year-round rep responsibilities:

  • Ed Assembly / Ed Council Rep (x2) – all JP faculty are invited, lots of discussions on academic program, at WHOI
  • President – email presence of JP student organization, schedule meetings and agendas
  • Treasurer – gatekeeper of credit card, record expenses, respond directly to funding requests, good if you like spreadsheets and emails? Walmart does NOT take the JP credit card.
  • Department Reps – organize steinbach scholar and official representative for your department, meeting prospective students if they miss open house, meeting with department education coordinator, have department OGE funds ($200)
  • Buffins – most organizationally challenging thing. Pick up Buffins from Cape Cod Bagel and bring them down TuTh. CLEANING is important. Set up the order with Rene and she will send a bill at the end of the semester. Roughly $800 a semester? Need a car! Check the MIT Academic calendar to make sure you only do TuTh that have classes. Maybe add fruit? Put more bagels+muffins at Clark than Redfield. 
  • WHOI Housing Rep – did nothing. Just in case there are issues and you need to be looped in w/ Martha. Good idea to have lived at OP in the past for empathy.
  • MIT Housing Rep – manage calendar, provide cleaning supplies, respond to any emails if necessary on jp-mithouse, check in on sign in binder
  • Social Hour – order Steve’s pizza ($230ish), ideally go for once a month, plan it TuTh 4:30 so bus schedule still works. CAN NOT BUY ALCOHOL. Usually person comping alcohol will lose money.  
  • Photoboard – print headshots of newbies (from CVS) and put them up in the student center!
  • Mailing List – update JP student email lists when new students graduate/leave
  • ASA Meeting Rep – attend ASA meeting or make sure MIT/WHOI GSC Rep attends
  • Space Chair – as needed, organize cleaning sessions, shame people into cleaning up after themselves. Throw food out if it’s ~old~. Restock cleaning supplies.
  • DO NOT LET YaWHOI become our responsibility ?
  • Winter Retreat – have two reps plan and organize this outing, same cabin in NH, so much info is in the student organization google drive. Preferably by Nov you should contact owner of River House to book. Aim to do in late January / early February, obviously avoid conferences. 
  • Open House – Mar 2 and 3rd this year, help Kris & Lea organize open house schedules, help run the day, etc. Run social things at MIT the day before + presentations at MIT. Be mindful of having alcohol but not in an intimidating way (out of the way, with non-alc options). Bring quarters so people can play games at Grumpy’s / call ahead?
  • Winter Meeting – get catering for X number of people (normally 60ish), email out to student body to solicit agenda items and work with APO, invite Ed Boyle, pretty much work with Lea
  • Jelly Talks – organize fun social talks over the summer! Pick dates and encourage people to sign up. Rotate between noon/3 PM, Clark/Village. Get two half an hour sessions. Alternate between snacks / pizza. 
  • JP Summer Picnic/BBQ – help new second years organize a welcome picnic for the new first years
  • At Large Reps – have a steinbach scholar this year, typically a fill in wherever you are useful! Be helpful.

Positions that JP reps ensure are filled:

International committee, Kayak Czar, Library Czar, Webmaster, JP courier, Safety Czar