Sept 6, 2022

Tue 09/06/2022

P Reps Working Meeting Minutes

July 18th 9:30AM

  1. Housing Committee (10 min)
    1. Nominations: So far 1x
    2. How to continue:
      1. Sending out reminder to students that clarifies what the task force does and how it differs from other groups at WHOI
        1. Goal of e-mail: Clarification + going against housing exhaustion + stressing what the housing task force does + focus on short-term solutions
        2. Action Item: Shavonna: summarize current housing initiatives at WHOI (for inclusion in email)
        3. Action Item: Shavonna: draft email
      2. Announcement at activities:
        1. Activities Fair and/or booth
        2. Naming ceremony
  2. APO Future Search for Dean (10 min)
    1. Meg steps down in 2023; announced in WHOI Headlines
    2. How should students be involved in the process?
      1. Answer Meg’s request from the WHOI Headlines: What should the job description entail?
      2. Action Item Lukas: Start google document to gather the reps thoughts on what the job description should entail => reps collect thoughts until next meeting; discussion during next meeting
  3. Big Ideas For Funding (5 min)
    1. How much money is left (June 6: 16,534.42 USD – 3000 USD (funded since then) – 1500 USD (potential other summer funding plans w/o big ideas: queer prom + career development workshop + ) = 
    2. Action item Shawn: E-Mail Tricia to get better idea on how money works (when do we expect new OGE funds; how important is it to keep 10kUSD in the account)
  4. JP Activities Fair (5 min)
    1. When? August 3, 2022
    2. Six or seven groups volunteered 
    3. Pizza party? (easier than catering)
    4. Resources: tables, space on Fenno patio
    5. Advertisement: low commitment way to increase involvement in group
    6. Offer? One of the reps can cover a booth if provided with script, if a member of the group cannot attend
  5. Erin Fischell Follow-Up Email (15 min)
  6. Teaching Workshop (10 min)
    1. It could get easier for WHOI-based folks to get a TLL Teaching Development Tracks Certificate
      1. One track is already offered online, Ben Hansberry (TLL) seems very open to make a field trip to WHOI 1-2x a year to offer 1.5 other tracks, and a 4th track would happen at MIT <= reduction of travel to MIT from 14 to 2-3 times
        1. However, nothing fixed, yet: Ben still needs to check how scheduling at TLL works
        2. No extra cost on our side (perhaps besides funding food during the WHOI-based workshop)
    2. Action item Lukas: Check in with Danielle about reminder to students to sign up for Subject Design Track (online track)
  7. At Large Steinbach Scholar (5 min)
    1. Communication issues: