September 2 2020

Wed 09/02/2020

At MIT:    

Remote: Rui, Emman, Marissa, Veevee, Henri, Kalina, Victoria, Lauren


9:00 Sep 2 2020



  • JP Gear Budget approval
  • New Reps Nominations
  • GSC Rep

GSC: Rui, Henri

  • Webmaster [see Eesh’s email]
  • Jelly Talks Debrief
  • Mentoring program
  • OGE Letter


  • JP Gear Budget Approval (update)
    • Approved
  • New Rep Nominations
    • Several nominations are in; we need more! Action: Send out a reminder for all of the positions.
    • Action: Everyone should solicit their departments for nominations. Reps should be prepared to reach out to individuals.
    • Action: We should follow-up with all nominees to make sure that they are OK with moving forward through the process.
    • Timeline:
      • Nominations open until the 9th
      • Follow-up until the 11th
      • Voting open 15th-18th
      • New Reps selected week of 21st and invited to next meeting
    • Action: Make sure all of the handouts for the transition are created and updated in the drive
  • GSC Rep
    • Start of the new-term for this rep is mid-October — likely not worth filling it now; Rui or Henri are open to being in this role
    • Typically filled by a base rep; but in the recent past has been filled by a general volunteer in the JP
    • Action: Can include this as a nominated role for future elections; need to make sure that this is in the JP Reps responsibilities
  • Webmaster Role
    • Need to transition webmaster role; Rui is willing to step into this role
  • Jelly Talks Debrief
    • Sunsetting this — great success! Want to keep in mind this creates a social vacuum, and we may want to have something in place moving forward.
  • Mentoring Program
    • This would be similar to the EAPS program, in that students in the JP can ask for a peer mentor/buddy also in the JP to check-in about status, ask for specific advice, etc.
      • Mentors are typically post-generals
      • Mentees are typically pre-generals (but don’t have to be)
      • Really would want to expand to the other departments outside of EAPS since they are typically covered by EAPS
    • Would like to implement something this year, so we would like to send out emails now. Larger question: should this be something that APO/Lea does?
      • Some insight about the EAPS program would be helpful
      • Want to keep it voluntary
      • Could keep the general form open-ended for mentors/mentees to fill-in what they are looking for (career advice, campus location, shared identity, etc.)
      • Possible that Lea might be the point person in the future, but the Reps could be part of the implementation support
    • Action: Follow-up on this at the next meeting
  • OGE Letter
    • Action: Draft OGE letter for this year and have it ready for the next meeting for approval (Lea and Kris like to look over the letter)
    • Action: Ask for pictures from events from the last year (even zoom screenshots)
      • Should create a submission system for people to add photos moving forward

Next Meeting

  • Tuesday, October 6th 9AM